Wednesday, August 12, 2009

YouTube & TeacherTube

YouTube and TeacherTube are websites which have videos on them that have been uploaded by members of the two sites. Anyone can be a member and upload a video onto these sites and the uploading process is quite simple. However, the two are different in the fact that YouTube has many types of videos on it, including potentially dangerous or harmful footage for children. TeacherTube, on the other hand is a useful educational resource for teachers as it has been created to assist with educating learners about a topic in a fun and interactive way. The video I have chosen has been made about multiplication; specifically nine-times-tables.

9 Multiplication Tables HipHop Music Video

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This video is fun, entertaining and age appropriate. Musically, hip-hop is extremely popular amongst learners from middle school upwards and are likely to therefore be engaged by this music clip. Although short videos can be used for many educational uses in the classroom, this one has been chosen primarily as a ‘hook’ due to its fun and entertaining nature; I believe it would engage all learners instantly. Once the nine-times-tables have been introduced by this clip, I would then begin the body of my maths lesson.

For the use of an educational video in this context, the Dimensions of Learning Manual is the chosen framework for the analysis of this technology. Learning is enhanced when it is appealing, cool, engaging and fun (Wolfe and Carroll, 2003), and using videos in education which encompass all of the above qualities is likely to result in just that; an engaged class. By facilitating quality hooks in lessons, learners attitudes and perceptions towards the task are also likely to be positively altered allowing for more effective learning to occur (Marzano, et al., 1997).


Reference List

Marzano, R, J., Pickering, D, J., Arredondo, D, E., Blackburn, G, J., Brandt, R, S., Moffett, C, A., Paynter, D, E., Pollock, J, E., & Whisler, J, S. (1997). Dimensions of Learning Teachers Manual (2nd ed.). Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.

Wolfe, K., & Caroll, J, B. (2003). Ideas at Work. Hooks and Anchors in Youth Development Program Delivery, (41)4

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