Sunday, July 19, 2009

Active Learning

Active Learning – Week 2
Activity 1

These are the results achieved from the Learning with Technology Quiz. Through current practice, it has been observed that collaboration, rather than individual practice, is the preferred form of grouping when doing tasks. This is a positive aspect of the current instructional design as it increases student motivation to learn (Kearsley & Shneiderman, n.d.). Although computer and mobile access is readily available in the room, learners generally collaborate through face-to-face contact whilst at school rather than through blogs, or popular socialising sites such as Facebook or Myspace. In this digital age, however, promoting collaboration through technological forms is positively associated with interactive learning (Kearsley & Shneiderman, n.d.). This is something which should definitely be promoted in future instructional designs.

Activity 2
SOSE (uni)- 3

SCIENCE (uni)- 6

MATHS (uni)- 8

ENGLISH (uni)-6

ENGLISH (high school)- 4

HOSPITALITY (high school)- 8

MATHS (high school)-3

HEALTH (uni)- 5

Total Score- 5.375

This is my score for my overall learning experiences in according with Dale’s Cone (learning effectiveness). According to the ratings I have just escaped being ‘unlucky’ in learning, but certainly do not reach where learning experiences are supposed to be in terms of interactive learning. Despite a sample of learning experiences rating 7 or higher, I would strongly agree with this rating overall; the bad certainly outnumber the good.

Activity 3
According to this quiz, I am an active learner and although I have never noticed; it is so true that I learn a whole lot more when my class mates discuss their interpretations of the task/content together in small groups! I find it very effective.
I definitely am a sensing learner! I hate learning about things that have no connection to the real world and I know that’s a bad thing, but I cannot help but think it’s meaningless. I am a perfectionist and analyse every detail when I am working something out; this also conforms to the sensing learner type definition.
The tip for verbal learners was good- I already do this for myself all the time anyway!
And once again, the quiz was right with the sequential learning- I need step-by-step instructions otherwise my mind is unorganised and I get really frustrated!
This quiz taught me things about myself that I sort of knew, but didn’t if that makes sense? It was a really good quiz- knows me better then I know myself!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nikki,
    I have just been reading through your blog. It is a shame that you didn't enjoy some of your previous subject (courses) as much as you should have. That to me says that the teacher hasn't catered for every students needs, which is a shame. You should have a look at the technologies that are available for us as teacher now days though. They give us elearning tools that help teach explicit content and even engage students in ways that have never been done. If only your previous teachers new about or had access to these technologies, then maybe you would have enjoyed those classes a lot more.
    Just from being around you at university I have noticed that you are a sensing learner by the way that you approach and engage in tasks.

    Ill see you soon
